Gabriel García Márquez -- Group C -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.
Completion requirements
Capítulo 10 - Gabriel García Márquez
Respond to two of the following:
1. Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Diez (pg. 353). Then, answer the following two questions:
- Give a short summary of what you read in the text.
- Do some additional research in order to include 2 new pieces of information on Márquez.
2. Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Diez (pg. 353). Then, answer the following three questions:
- Give a summary of what realismo mágico is.
- Include some examples of themes you would see in that type of literature, elements that are typically characteristic of realismo mágico.
- Provide the names of 2 famous literary works of Márquez.
3. Choose one of the following Spanish authors: Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Isavel Allende, Julia Alvarez, Jorge Luis Borges, Carlos Fuentes, Camilo José Cela. Give information on the following four questions:
- Who were they?
- What type of literature did they produce?
- A brief explanation of that type of literature
- What influence or impact did this author have in history?
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