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Forum Description Discussions
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Please feel free to ask questions or leave comments here.  Especially if it is an issue that may concern the entire class.

Other students may respond.  I may respond.  

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General news and announcements
Capítulo 6 - Grammar Help
Each chapter several new grammar concepts are introduced. The Libro Libre and the Additional resources tab will help in learning them.

In addition, see the short videos below:

Note: The PowerPoints for these videos are in the next folder.

Password for viewing the videos: online.

Learning forums

Week Forum Description Discussions
Check-in Activities - October 16-18 Getting to Know Each Other - Who you are. Must be completed by October 18

We want to get to know you. Please introduce yourself to us by answering the following questions. You may answer in English or Spanish. Return here to read other student posts.

  1.  What is my name? (Mi nombre es ...)

  2.  What am I like? (¿Cómo soy yo?  Soy...  )    

  3.  What are my ...

Capítulo 6: October 16-22 Las Antillas -- Group A -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capitulo 6 - Las Antillas

Respond to both A& B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Seis (page 204).  Then, answer the following three questions:

1. Write 10 new vocabulary words that you needed to look up as you read the text. Include their English translations.

2. Give a ...

Las Antillas -- Group B -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capitulo 6 - Las Antillas

Respond to both A& B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Seis (page 204).  Then, answer the following three questions:

1. Write 10 new vocabulary words that you needed to look up as you read the text. Include their English translations.

2. Give a ...

Las Antillas -- Group C -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capitulo 6 - Las Antillas

Respond to both A& B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Seis (page 204).  Then, answer the following three questions:

1. Write 10 new vocabulary words that you needed to look up as you read the text. Include their English translations.

2. Give a ...

Capítulo 7: October 23-29 El Silbo Gomero -- Group A -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capítulo 7 - El Silbo Gomero

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Siete (pg. 238).  Then answer all of the following questions:

  • Write 5 new-to-you vocabulary words and include their English translation. 
  • When was this language started?
  • Talk about why this ...
El Silbo Gomero -- Group B -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capítulo 7 - El Silbo Gomero

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Siete (pg. 238).  Then answer all of the following questions:

  • Write 5 new-to-you vocabulary words and include their English translation. 
  • When was this language started?
  • Talk about why this ...
El Silbo Gomero -- Group C -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capítulo 7 - El Silbo Gomero

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Siete (pg. 238).  Then answer all of the following questions:

  • Write 5 new-to-you vocabulary words and include their English translation. 
  • When was this language started?
  • Talk about why this ...
Capítulo 8: October 30-November 5 Grupos Indígenas -- Group A -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capítulo 8 - Grupos Indígenas

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Ocho (pg. 276).  Then, respond in Spanish in paragraph form to all the following questions.  (Do your best!  But don't get stressed!  Looking for content & effort, not perfect grammar.)


Grupos Indígenas -- Group B -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capítulo 8 - Grupos Indígenas

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Ocho (pg. 276).  Then, respond in Spanish in paragraph form to all the following questions.  (Do your best!  But don't get stressed!  Looking for content & effort, not perfect grammar.)


Grupos Indígenas -- Group C -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.


Capítulo 8 - Grupos Indígenas

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Ocho (pg. 276).  Then, respond in Spanish in paragraph form to all the following questions.  (Do your best!  But don't get stressed!  Looking for content & effort, not perfect grammar.)


Capítulo 9: November 13-19 Eva Perón -- Group A -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.

Capítulo 9 - Eva Perón

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Nueve (pg. 308).  Pick out the cognates, then words you have already learned, then look up any words you don't know in English. Once you have read the text respond to all the following questions in ...

Eva Perón -- Group B -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.

Capítulo 9 - Eva Perón

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Nueve (pg. 308).  Pick out the cognates, then words you have already learned, then look up any words you don't know in English. Once you have read the text respond to all the following questions in ...

Eva Perón -- Group C -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.

Capítulo 9 - Eva Perón

Respond to both A & B below:

A.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Nueve (pg. 308).  Pick out the cognates, then words you have already learned, then look up any words you don't know in English. Once you have read the text respond to all the following questions in ...

Capítulo 10: November 20-26 Gabriel García Márquez -- Group A -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.

Capítulo 10 - Gabriel García Márquez

Respond to two of the following:

1.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Diez (pg. 353).   Then, answer the following two questions:

      • Give a short summary of what you read in the text.
      • Do some additional research in order to include 2 new pieces of ...

Gabriel García Márquez -- Group B -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.

Capítulo 10 - Gabriel García Márquez

Respond to two of the following:

1.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Diez (pg. 353).   Then, answer the following two questions:

      • Give a short summary of what you read in the text.
      • Do some additional research in order to include 2 new pieces of ...

Gabriel García Márquez -- Group C -- Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc.

Capítulo 10 - Gabriel García Márquez

Respond to two of the following:

1.  Read the cover page of Libro Libre, Capítulo Diez (pg. 353).   Then, answer the following two questions:

      • Give a short summary of what you read in the text.
      • Do some additional research in order to include 2 new pieces of ...